
Thanks for stopping by!
We are two house-loving DIYers now onto our second house. One of us has vision...and one has actual skills.
Design and working on our home are our major hobbies, whenever we have a few moments of free time not devoted to our daughter or jobs. We are hoping to share our ideas, triumphs and mistakes to help other DIYers and get new ideas from all of you!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Where to knob...that is the question!

As I stand, frequently, in our getting-nearer-to-looking-done space, I of course only care about the superficial decisions to be made...like where to put the knobs!

I've been looking at lots of photos on houzz.com to try to get some data as to where people put their knobs on shaker-style cabinets...and it seems to be a mixed bag with some putting them in the exact bottom or top corner of the door, and others purposely NOT on the corner.

Here are some examples of what I mean...

Centered in the corners:

NOT centered in the corners:

We originally preferred the NOT centered knobs, however, this is complicated by our super-high square cabinets that really can only have the knobs at the bottom of the cabinet, or they will be even LESS user-friendly... (still looking for step stool options...send them my way!)

So then...do we do all in the corner? Square doors in the corner and the rest of the cabinets NOT in the corner? Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Centered in the corners is the way to go. As you say, the high doors give you little choice. This is what we did in our kitchen(s) with no regrets,
